How to Design a Great Print Ad.

Use a Gripping Headline. Write Long Copy. Use Primary Colors. Don't Use a Headline. Use a Photo of a Sexy Woman. Use Bullet Copy Only. Ask a Provocative Question. Use Short Copy. Use People's Quotes. Use Pictures of Dogs. Use Illustration of Boats.

There no set formula to create an ad. Print ads should start with a compelling headline. Add an appealing visual that amplifies the headline. Write concise, inviting copy that sounds good when you read it out loud. Use easy to read type. And, always try get the reader to respond to your ad by talking about them: not your product.  Again, the communication must persuade the reader to use your product. We can make your message work.

Newspaper Ads

Award-winning Hispanic Series of Newspaper ads and Transit boards featuring Spanish recipes and meal preparation.

Consumer Magazine Ad

New Men's designer belt series debut ad to the trade for Tex Tan.

Trade Journal Ads

A series technical ads for Toshiba featuring new products to their U.S. produced line-up.

Trade Journal Ads

Series of ads for Tex Tan featuring the year's new product line and their new alligator product line.

Newspaper Ad

Greater Houston Partnership Clean Air Multi-media Campaign's produced in English and Spanish.

Newspaper Ads

Houston Community College Regular Semester Ads in English and Spanish.

The Buckingham

A newspaper campaign supporting assisted living facilities.

U.S. Census Bureau Recruiting

Regional recruitment ads for the U.S. Census Bureau.